Thursday, March 06, 2008

Secret Keeper & other stuff

Included in the Red Star March kit from MSS was an Urban Lily Secret Keeper. (I didn't know what it was when I first got my kit-- I had to ask the other DT members so they could tell me!)

It's cool though. I used it to make a birthday card for my friend, Darlene. (Her birthday isn't until the 17th, but I don't thing she reads my blog, so it will probably stay a secret. ;) Ooh, good one!)

Other stuff...

I got an email last week from Memory Makers magazine requesting two of my layouts for publication in an upcoming idea book. :)

My mom "hired" me to make an album using my older brother's baby pictures. This morning, I picked up this, but in 8.5x11", some of these in black vinyl, a few of these patterned papers and these, so I want to start working on it soon.

I'm in the process of tidying up my scrap space-- I'm in purge mode! We have our Super Scrap Day coming up at MSS on April 12th and for the past several crops, we've set up a "garage sale" to get rid of our old supplies. Then we can go and purchase new supplies. It's such a win-win situation. :)

The kids have their skating wind-up tonight. I was so excited on Monday evening-- Sage got her level two badge, Jonah his level three badge and Austin got his level six badges. I'm especially happy for Austin, as this is his last year in skating and now he's completed the CanSkate program.

Well, I'm off to pick up Austin from school.


1 Unknown said...

This is a nice project, love the idea ! If only days had more than 24h????

2 Heather said...

That is a very cool secret keeper. I wouldn't have known either without an example.

Happy purging!! I love our LSS garage sales too.

Congrats on the pubs too!!

3 Heather M. said...

Love that card for your friend! Very cool!
Congrats on the publicatons! That's AWESOME!!! Woohoo!