Here are my photos of the day for the past week:

Tuesday, March 18: Jonah & Austin at the front of the United church, after they had both performed the poems they'd memorized for the Morden Festival of the Arts.

Wednesday, March 19: In our morning Bible study, we took communion together. Kathy was looking into her cup and said: "I wish I had a camera. The bubbles in my cup are forming a heart." So, I took my camera out of my purse and went to take a picture. While I was doing this, someone suggested that she put it over her opened Bible. A great suggestion, but as she moved the cup to do so, the bubble formation changed and we lost the heart. :(

Thursday, March 20: Sage and I volunteered in Jonah's class for his Easter party.

Friday, March 21: The worship band (comprised of several different churches) for our joint Good Friday service. This was the only picture that I took this day, because I gave my camera to a woman from our church so she could take photos of the drama (which I was in) and I forgot to get it back from her before we left.

Saturday, March 22: Yes, it's my living room! LOL! Thought these guys looked so cute with Jonah reading over Austin's shoulder.

Sunday, March 23: Jonah and Austin waiting patiently for the sun to rise during our church's surise service, early Easter morning.
Monday, March 24: I'm torn. I took two photos that I like and can't decide which one I shoudl pick for my photo of the day. So, I've decided to let you be the judge. In the comments, tell me which one you like better. The photo with the most votes will get chosen as the photo of the day for March 24th.
I took this one of Sage and Jonah playing on the computer (Jonah has discovered the world of Webkinz.) I was pleased with the angle on this one.

Or how I discovered Sage, after supper, on Monday evening, fast asleep. (I love how she's sprawled out and wearing slippers on her hands and on her feet!)

So, please tell me which one you like better.
Thanks for looking!
ETA: By most popular vote, the photo of Sage asleep on the couch will be my photo of the day for March 24th. Thanks so much for your comments and votes. :)
I think I'd have to pick the sleeping picture - such complete relaxation there. But maybe it's just my mood today - I have some cares and worries that I need to let Him take care of for me. I do really like the angle on the computer one. Thanks for asking! And I am really enjoying your photos of each day. I really like the idea of posting them once a week - I think I'm going to lift your idea, if you don't mind.
I gotta say the sleeping pic. Nothing like a good evening nap. Although for posterity sake, maybe the picture of Jonah mesmerized by the webkinz site is the better of the two... hm... a conundrum...
That is a tough choice. I'm have to go with the computer one. Great angle and I love the look of concentration on his face.
I admire you for still doing the picture a day. I gave up long ago. lol
love the picture of the coffee cup over the Bible. And as for the last 2 pictures. They're both great. I'm no help.
hmmm...I vote for the slipper one. :)
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