Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Project 366, week 10

Wow, ten weeks already! Here are the photos that I've taken every day for the last week:

Tuesday, March 4: Austin stays at school for lunch on Tuesdays because he participates in noon hour voluntary choir. So I usually bring him a lunch when I pick up Jonah. Austin's favourite: grilled cheese sandwiches.

Wednesday, March 5: On Wednesday afternoons for five weeks, I've been volunteering in Austin's class after lunch. My mother-in-law came to our house to watch Jonah and Sage so I could go.

Thursday, March 6: Sage and Jonah watching the skaters during the CanSkate wrap-up.

Friday, March 7: I love that Sage is still "baby" enough to fall asleep in the van sometimes.

Saturday, March 8: bath time.

Sunday, March 9: Austin playing "Seek Ye First" at the sacred evening for the Morden Festival of the Arts. He did so well-- I was very proud of him!

Monday, March 10: Jonah presenting the mini-hockey stick that I bought him last week. It's a San Jose Sharks one and Jonah discovered that all of the letters of his first name are on it (so cute!)

Any favourites?


1 Heather M. said...

Great photos! Now I'm craving grilled cheese - YUM!

2 Leah said...

I love your pics! I'm suddenly hungry for grilled cheese too!

3 Heather said...

Just love that your getting to capture life not just the birthdays and special outings. The grilled cheese does look good.

4 thot said...

Nice photos. (but I don't understand all the words that you write :)
Greetings from Spain.