Saturday, May 24, 2008

A couple more layouts

I got two more layouts made for the crop today (in between helping stain my MIL's house.)

I made this one using patterned paper scraps and a few embellishments from my stash-- so nice to use some "old stuff"!

I saw this Basic Grey pp with the giraffes & hearts and knew that I had to buy it to use for this picture of Sage & I. I used Liz's sketch and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Idea to note: I didn't have a "g" from my foam letters, so I cut the end off of a "q" and the top off of a "9" and put them together to make a "g". I place the flower slightly over the letter to hide where they connect.

Thanks for looking!


1 Heather M. said...

I love both of your layouts! YAY for using up old stuff and love the 'g' idea too!

2 Unknown said...

I love to see how you scrap the pictures you took and showed us sometime ago ! Lovely!