Monday, May 19, 2008

Scenes from our trip to the zoo

Yesterday, we drove to Winnipeg and while Cameron painted my mom's den, I took the kids to the zoo.

It was a great time-- perfect weather and the kids were awesome. :)

And, I took over 200 pictures!! Crazy, I know, but the kids kept saying: "Mom, get a picture of that! Did you take a picture of that?" So, being the great mom that I am, I obliged. ;) I managed to weed it down to less than 100 and here are my favourites:

The kids were super about posing for some group shots for me:

Here are some highlights of the afternoon:

And, I just couldn't say no when then kids asked for pony rides (I'm such a pushover!) But hey, anything for a good photo op. ;)

Thanks for looking!


1 Heather M. said...

Wow, Leigh! You got some amazing photos! I love that last one on the pony! TOO cute!

2 Heather said...

What great shots you got. Sounds like lots of fun times too.

3 Unknown said...

Le zoo, c'est génial pour les enfants, et pour les mamans scrappeuses qui ont très souvent de très jolies photos. Les tiennes sont extras !

4 Liz Goldhawk said...

You caught some wonderful photos... gotta love digital cameras! Thanks for sharing!

5 Anne Krashel said...

Great pictures Leigh! Looks like a great time of year to visit the zoo.