It was a great time-- perfect weather and the kids were awesome. :)
And, I took over 200 pictures!! Crazy, I know, but the kids kept saying: "Mom, get a picture of that! Did you take a picture of that?" So, being the great mom that I am, I obliged. ;) I managed to weed it down to less than 100 and here are my favourites:

The kids were super about posing for some group shots for me:

Here are some highlights of the afternoon:

And, I just couldn't say no when then kids asked for pony rides (I'm such a pushover!) But hey, anything for a good photo op. ;)

Thanks for looking!
Wow, Leigh! You got some amazing photos! I love that last one on the pony! TOO cute!
What great shots you got. Sounds like lots of fun times too.
Le zoo, c'est génial pour les enfants, et pour les mamans scrappeuses qui ont très souvent de très jolies photos. Les tiennes sont extras !
You caught some wonderful photos... gotta love digital cameras! Thanks for sharing!
Great pictures Leigh! Looks like a great time of year to visit the zoo.
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