Thursday, May 01, 2008

Five years

Today is the five year anniversary of when I started scrapbooking. In honour of this wonderful milestone, I thought I'd issue a scrapbooking challenge for the weekend:

Create a layout using five things (this can either be five of one thing (i.e. five pieces of pp, five buttons, etc.) or five things in total on your page.)

If you'd like to participate, post leave a link to your layout in the comments by Sunday at midnight. On Monday, I'll draw a name and the winner will get a RAK from me.

Here's my layout for the challenge:

(I used five things on the layout, now counting the photos. I also have five letters in my title. See, it's easy. ;) )

I hope you'll play along!

1 comment:

1 Heather M. said...

What an AWESOME layout! I just love the color combo! Isn't it crazy how time flies by?!