Thursday, May 22, 2008

Field Trip

Jonah's kindergarten class went to the Morden Fossil Museum for their field trip yesterday. Jonah was beyond excited. He loves dinosaurs and when I asked him which shirt he wanted to wear, he replied: "Stegosaurus!" (Of course, geez, Mom...)

So, thanks to my friend Susan, who watched Sage for me, I was able to tag along.

(I am a total field trip junkie-- I could happily go on all of them! :) )

Here's Jonah at the entrance to the museum

and "digging" for fossils.

They got a tour of the museum

and Jonah posed with Bruce, the mosasaur. After seeing this creature, Jonah informed me that he would be Bruce for the rest of the day!

Such a fun trip-- so fun to get to watch my child enjoy something so much (even if there weren't any triceratops or stegosauruses there! ;) )


Anonymous said...

The pics are great considering it was so dark in there. Good for you! SusanR

2 Crystal said...

You need to bring him to Drumheller - he'll be in his glory there. And schools love to have moms like you come along on trips! So keep going - and keep capturing those precious moments.

3 Heather M. said...

That's so awesome that you were able to go! We were just at Royal Tyrrell Museum and I bet he would LOVE it there! It's so great to see kids who are eager to learn more!