The day started at 9am for me with an officials meeting. I had volunteered to score keep, time keep and corner judge-- just basically willing to help out wherever they need me.
After singing O Canada and our opening ceremonies, we started with our patterns competition.

I was in one of the first groups to compete. I ended up coming in second place and getting a silver medal.

Here are some pictures of Sage competing with her pattern:

She did a great job and also ended up winning a silver medal!

Austin also did well with his patterns, but didn't end up getting a medal:

Jonah also did great with his patterns. He was the lowest ranking competitor in his group and competed against a blue belt.

He also won a silver medal.

It was a silver medal day! ;)

Next, we moved onto the board breaking competitions.

Greg had an amazing combination for breaking-- it was very cool!
I didn't do so well in my breaking. I'd had a good combination (back spin kick followed by a jump front snap kick) and hit both boards well and on target, but unfortunately neither of them broke.
I think Austin was a little nervous about breaking, as he hadn't had a lot of success in practice.

But he broke his first board with an axe kick. So proud of him!

Then, we started with the sparring competitions.

(Doesn't Sage look adorable? So cute!)

Sage did really well in her sparring. It was her first time competing in sparring at a tournament and she did a great job with scoring points. I got to be her coach for her match, which was cool.

And judging by her smile after her match, she was happy with how she did...

But when she found out she didn't win a medal, there were some tears. (My pep talk included mentionning that we were the same: we'd both won a silver medal in patterns but then didn't win a medal in the other event we'd competed in. I think this helped.)

Because of the rainy weather, Cameron was able to come (if it was nice out, he would have been busy at the farm.) He took the majority of the pictures and did a great job!

Our friends, Beth & Cordell, who cheered on Beth's husband, Greg, and the rest of our club.

After Sage's match, I got the opportunity to do some corner judging for a few sparring matches, which was cool. (This photo was taken by Jonah, as were the rest of the photos in this post.)

Austin competed in the sparring and did quite well. I actually was one of the corner judges for his matches (& that's where you discover how "fair" you actually are, when you have to judge your child. I'm pleased to note that I am indeed fair. ;) )
A few pictures of him sparring (he's in blue):

His coach for his matches was Kelsey Wiebe, an intentional gold medalist for sparring.

All in all, a great day!
Yes, Sage is so adorable! Great photos (good job Cameron)! Leigh, Austin, Jonah and Sage, you all look very professional and tough in your uniforms. I better not mess with you guys when we see you in June. Congratulations on an excellent competition. It is nice to bring home some silver bling too.
OMW! I am SO proud of you Leigh, you did it!!!!!! Those are some amazing photos and each of your children did SO well too!!! Way to go Leigh!!!!!!!
Very cool!
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