Monday, January 24, 2011

Crop for the Congo 2011

Last January, I hosted a Crop for the Congo as a fundraiser for my trip to Congo with my church. This March, another team from Westside is going and the Congo Committee asked if I'd be interested in organizing another crop.

And, since I'm always up for scrapbooking with friends, I said yes.

So here are the details:

Crop for the Congo 2011
(a scrapbooking fundraiser hosted by me, Leigh Penner)

Friday, February 18th – 6pm to 11pm
& Saturday, February 19th – 9am to 4pm
at Westside Community Church in Morden

Cost: $40, which includes:

* door prizes
* snacks Friday evening, coffee & muffins Saturday morning
& lunch on Saturday
* use of tools & stamps
* an inspirational corner
* scrappy shopping, provided by My Scrap Shoppe

To register, or for more information, please call me at 822-4078 or email at


1 Crystal said...

I wish I lived closer so I could come and support you! I hope it's a successful crop - have fun.

2 Elizabeth said...

Good luck with the crop, I hope they raise enough money to go and experience what you did!!!!