Friday, January 14, 2011

Five for Friday

1. I haven't been having the best week. There have been some stressors at home and I haven't been sleeping well. With working three days this week, & taekwondo back to a three days a week schedule, I've been quite tired and maybe, just maybe a little irritable. I know this isn't the best way to start a post, but I also feel that I shouldn't have to pretend everything is perfect, when, in reality, it's not.

2. I read a non-fiction book this week. Not my genre of choice, but the title caught my eye at the library: Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads. It was a good read with lots of information to keep in mind when making healthy choices (one of my goals for the new year), but a little unrealistic in some areas with when to eat. But some things I'll definitely be trying.

3. I did Day 4 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday. (Shh, don't tell, but I've started this workout program twice before and never made it to Day 3!) The plan was to do Day 5 today, but with so few hours of sleep last night, I just couldn't do it. But, tomorrow, I will. I promise.

4. I am blessed with wonderful, suppportive friends and I'm ever so thankful for them.

5. We've been watching How to Train Your Dragon & Despicable Me over & over. I love them both equally.

Bonus: I posted Winter Sketch #3 on the MSS Blog today. The sketch is Sketch #57 from Inspired Blueprints & this is the layout I made with it:

Thanks for looking!
Have a good weekend!


1 @JoyceCasaldi said...

I'm so sorry things are stressful for you. Hope it all passes quickly. Will keep you in my thoughts.

Love the page, you are so talented. I would be sure to have a few broken bones doing half what you do.

And love all the pink in the previous post, the quilt turned out great.


2 Norma Kennedy said...

Gorgeous layout Leigh !!!!
Hang in there girl , yes it's Great to have such supportive friends and Family during stressful times. xoxo

3 Rebecca Keppel said...

Hope you get some rest and things are better :)
Love the layout--the mix of patterns, colors and all the white space is just Fabulous!

4 Andrea Amu said...

Ohh, is there something in the air?? I too have been out of sorts this week! I hope things start looking up for you going into the new week!
Great page design, Leigh! I love the colors and patterns!

Anonymous said...

super color combo on that page - and yay shred!

6 xoxo... t said...

The great thing about scrapbooking (and all the peeps you get to know through it) is that it can be really therapeutic in good times and bad! I always struggle with including the tougher times in my pages - thanks for the inspiration to "keep it real"!

7 Murphy's Law said...

ooo hugs and prayers for your stresses. love the bright colors and the lo just rocks.

8 ellen s. said...

How to Train your Dragon is my fav! I love it more than the kids, LOL!

hope the stress eases for you soon. love the layout!!!!

9 Jennifer said...

I hope you day today was less stressful! I love your layout!

10 Julie Overby said... sorry to hear you are having a hard week Leigh! It's definitelty harder to deal with 'stuff' when you've had a lack of sleep!

Your layout is gorgeous and the girls quilts turned out fantastic!