Friday, January 07, 2011

Friday Five

1. I had the worst sleep ever last night. A combination of being over-tired from the last week or so, pressure from knowing I had to work today and having a six year old with a cough (& requests for something to drink!) climb into my bed somewhere around 4am. Grrr. Needless to say, I wasn't my best at work today.

2. I didn't choose a word for 2011. There. I said it. I don't know why I feel like I've let anyone down (because I'm sure I haven't.) I just find that I tend to focus on the word for a week or two, then I forget about it. So, I just decided to make a few goals for the beginning of the year instead. (See #3.)

3. My goals go hand in hand. I want to test for my black belt in May and I would like to be 20 pounds lighter when I do. So, I will eat less and exercise more. And hopefully, this will work for me. ;)

4. I left my camera in Winnipeg on New Year's Day. It's safe at my mom's house, but I'm missing it.

5. MSS is having an online crop this weekend. You can click here to check out the challenges if you'd like.

Here are two layouts I posted for challenges:

I hope to post some more layouts this weekend as I complete them for challenges! I love snowy, cold scrappy weekends!

1 comment:

1 Elizabeth said...

Leigh I don't think you let anyone down by not picking a "word"! I think you do what you do and do it!! And here you are about to test in your black belt! That's pretty A-mazing if you ask me!!!!!

I love your work and your new layouts are adorable too!!!!
I hope that you feel refreshed from this weekend!