At church yesterday morning, it was Coaches' Sunday in R.O.X. We have three of these a year. Basically, it's a morning where the small group leaders (coaches) can hang out with their groups. (It also means a Sunday off for me. :) )
So, Austin's group played Star Wars Monopoly for their Coaches' Sunday and then Austin asked if he could borrow the game from Dave, his coach.

Well, after lunch, we set up the game and played for hours. Literally. It was so great to see Austin enjoy a game that didn't involve a screen! We totally lost track of time and forgot to wake Cameron from his nap until 3:45! (He'd wanted to go to the farm at 3:00.)
So, we left our game and went to the farm (Cameron's mom's place.)
Sage hung out inside the house with my MIL while the rest of us headed outside. I had brought my camera along, so I amused myself by taking pictures.
I love this old barn. Cameron & his mom talk about tearing it down, but I love the looks of it. So rustic.
And I got a few pictures while Cameron fed and watered the calves.
Once the chores were done, Cameron filled a large innertube with air and pulled us with the three wheeler...
And then Austin got a turn to drive.
He pulled Cameron and I around. I was so proud of how well he did. And we laughed when we let go of the rope and he kept on driving, not even noticing he wasn't pulling us anymore.
I just love fun days like this-- totally what I want my kids to remember.