Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Project 366, week 15

Here are my photos for each day of the past week:

Tuesday, April 8th: We went to our church in the evening and played floor hockey "as a family" (this was Jonah's request. ;) )

Wednesday, April 9th: At the preschool program at the library, Sage asked if she could hold this baby. (Since then, she's been talking a lot about becoming a babysitter!)

Thursday, April 10th: We went for a walk in the evening with friends and stopped at the little park on Nelson Street. This is Austin in mid-jump off the swing.

Friday, April 11th: We had a family sleepover in the living room. I know this photo is a little blurry, but I love it! The kids were laughing together-- it was just so cute!

Saturday, April 12th: Super Scrap Day at My Scrap Shoppe.

Sunday, April 13th: We went to our friends, Marlo & Leon's, for lunch. We spent the afternoon playing Settlers of Catan. Marlo won both games.

Monday, April 14th: The morning glory plants that Cameron and the kids planted a week and a half ago.

Thanks for looking!


1 Eva said...

awesome photos, Leigh!!

2 Heather said...

Great photos Leigh!! I hate when photos you really want to come out turn out blurry!!