Friday, April 11, 2008


My husband stopped by at our house this afternoon and said some beautiful words to me:

"There's a garage sale going on at the United church."


I'm not much of a thrift store or MCC shopper, but I love garage sales-- both attending them and having them. And I love that the arrival of spring means that the garages sales will start again.

Our score this afternoon:

A pretty blue bowl.
5 Martha Stewart Living magazines (all from 2007).
A Rescue Heroes alligator names Glades.
A small doll for Sage.

Our total: $1.50.



1 Heather M. said...

Sweet deals! I love the blue bowl! I need to hit some garage sales this summer for some toys and stuff. I'm not much of a garage sale person but maybe now that we are in a smaller city it will be easier.

Anonymous said...

Great finds! Love the blue bowl too!

3 Unknown said...

I'm impressed. I love to go to a garage sale, we call them "vide-greniers" en france.

4 Leah said...

What great finds! Always feels good to find something for little money to give a person great pleasure!

5 Tam said...

love the blue bowl! I love garage sales too!