Saturday, April 05, 2008


We went to Winnipeg on Thursday to spend the night at my mom's ("to have a sleepover", as the kids kept calling it.) She watched them for me for a few hours to I could head to the mall without kids-- what a treat! Of course, I ended up just mostly shopping for them, but you know, it was still peaceful and demand-free. ;)

On Friday morning, we drove to the Pan Am pool to go swimming. When we got there, we found out that the kiddie pool was closed! I couldn't believe it. (Of course, my mom had suggested calling ahead, but I dismissed it, thinking that every other time we'd gone, it was open. I still can't believe they closed it during spring break!) But the woman working there was quite helpful at helping us find another place to go swimming-- after all, I'd promised my kids swimming and swimming we would go.

We ended up going for lunch at McDonald's and then going to Boni-Vital pool in Windsor Park. This was actually cool, because that's where I took my swimming lessons as a kid.

And my kids had a great time.

Well, Jonah and Sage did. They didn't want to leave.

Austin was disappointed that he didn't manage his laps to be able to go in the big pool and go down the big slide they had there. But otherwise, he had fun.

I was daring and brought my camera in to the pool area (but not into the pool, of course!) and got a few good shots:

It was good to get in a swimming fix-- we should be good now until summer. :)


1 Unknown said...

great moments ! Your pictures are full of colors, love them !

2 Heather said...

What a treat to be able to shop by yourself. I got some in this weekend too.

Great pictures!! My kids love swimming too!