Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Project 366, week 16

Here are my photos from two weeks ago. I debated on whether or not to post all fourteen in one post, but thought that might be a bit long...

Tuesday, April 15th: Austin and his classmates at the Morden Festival of the Arts where the grade 3 & 4 voluntary choir performed in the afternoon.

Wednesday, April 16th: The voluntary choir performed at the Legislative Building in Winnipeg. (Austin's on the far left in the second row from the front.)

Thursday, April 17th: Volunteering in Jonah's kindergarten class.

Friday, April 18th: Sage, holding a kitten at the Spring Carnival at our church.

Saturday, April 19th: My friend, Susan and her daughter, Abbie. Aren't they beautiful?

Sunday, April 20th: We had fun playing around with the anniversary gift I gave Cameron-- a new tripod.

Monday, April 21st: Having fun with play-dough at Anita's.

Thanks for looking! Check back soon for Week 17.

And a very happy birthday to my big brother today! Looking forward to seeing you in July!! :)
(The card is in the mail! ;) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the one of Susan and her daughter!