We've had snow for a couple of weeks now. I'm not crazy about snow or winter, I'm really more of a summer kind of gal. However, the weather was nice this afternoon, so we decided to walk to the park with the kids to go sledding.

We had such a great time! I just love to hear my kids laugh and see them smile and enjoy themselves so much. :)
And, while I'm in a snowy mood, I'll share a layout I made yesterday. This photo is from December 2005 -- I can't believe that's three years ago! Look at my toddler boy and baby girl! What happened to them??

I know you might think this is old Scenic Route patterned paper that I've had for a while, but I just bought it last week at MSS -- I'd already had the photo printed and when I spotted it, I knew it would be absolutely perfect for this layout. (The circles that I punched from the coordinating paper were old though -- I found them in my scraps!) I love SR pp-- it's so classic!
The journaling says: "How can it be that this picture was taken almost three years ago? Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that the two of you were my cute little toddler boy and sweet baby girl. Now, you’re my grade one boy and my “big” preschooler, respectively. When did that happen?? It’s crazy how fast the time is going, but one thing is sure, I wouldn’t trade a moment of it for anything! You guys fill my life with so many cuddles, hugs, kisses, smiles & laughs. So sign me up for this crazy ride, be-cause I want to enjoy every day of it to the full with you, even if it does go…so fast"
Okay, I had warmed up from sledding, but now I'm feeling cold again. Off to make some hot chocolate... ;)
What great photos, Leigh! I've never been a huge fan of the wet and cold of snow, either, and can see where it would get old fast. But since we rarely see any of it here, I'm kinda jealous of those sledding pictures! Looks like so much fun!
Love your page, too. That photo is just adorable. Love their rosy noses
I just love all the photos you took!!! It seems crazy that anyone would be sledding already!!! :) ;)
Thanks for you post Leigh. Very inspiring. The rewards children give you far out way the pain.
ooh, fabulous photos although now I feel like I'M freezing! LOL...and your layout is fun and beautiful as always!
OH and I tagged you so check out my blog for the rules! ;)
Aww, such fun pics, Leigh!! I can't wait until we get enough snow for sledding :-) Adorable LO, too - time really does go too fast, huh?
Look at all those awesome photos! Looks like fun! Love that layout too - so cute!
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