Tuesday, July 15th: Trekking down to the beach for swimming lessons.

Wednesday, July 16th: Playing in the sand at the beach.

Thursday, July 17th: Strawberry picking, round 2.

Friday, July 18th: The boys passed their levels 1 & 4 in swimming lessons, so I treated them to slushies. And Sage got one for being such a good girl at the beach. ;)

Saturday, July 19th: Amanda, my friend's daughter. She's getting married in September, so Val and I hosted a bridal shower for her at our church. Isn't she beautiful?

Sunday, July 20th: We took Sage to the park in the evening and took off her training wheels.

Monday, July 21st: My older brother, Trevor, and my nephew, Noah (in the brown t-shirt), came for a visit from Montreal. We went to the park in the afternoon to go to the wading pool and play. Noah loves soccer & is quite good at it! So fun to watch my kids interact with their cousin!
Thanks for looking!
what fun pics!! sounds like a fun week there! :)
Love seeing your week at a glance. This photo a day thing is really working for you!
Way to go Sage on taking your training wheels off! Good Job!!
Great pics. Love the sand one, then noticed it as your new header.
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