Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Project 366, week 29

Here are my photos of the day for the past week:

Tuesday, July 15th: Trekking down to the beach for swimming lessons.

Wednesday, July 16th: Playing in the sand at the beach.

Thursday, July 17th: Strawberry picking, round 2.

Friday, July 18th: The boys passed their levels 1 & 4 in swimming lessons, so I treated them to slushies. And Sage got one for being such a good girl at the beach. ;)

Saturday, July 19th: Amanda, my friend's daughter. She's getting married in September, so Val and I hosted a bridal shower for her at our church. Isn't she beautiful?

Sunday, July 20th: We took Sage to the park in the evening and took off her training wheels.

Monday, July 21st: My older brother, Trevor, and my nephew, Noah (in the brown t-shirt), came for a visit from Montreal. We went to the park in the afternoon to go to the wading pool and play. Noah loves soccer & is quite good at it! So fun to watch my kids interact with their cousin!

Thanks for looking!


Anonymous said...

what fun pics!! sounds like a fun week there! :)

Anonymous said...

Love seeing your week at a glance. This photo a day thing is really working for you!

3 Leah said...

Way to go Sage on taking your training wheels off! Good Job!!

4 Anne Krashel said...

Great pics. Love the sand one, then noticed it as your new header.